2 min readOct 13, 2022


ETH MainNet Swap Competition Round #2- Start!

We told you more news would be coming soon!
…when something ends, something else is just starting, they say!


Including every Swap Closed between today 13th October 00:00, and the 12th November at 23:59 GMT +0 , the Second-Ever SwapCompetition comes with new rules; first of all, the Rewards:

First Position: GoldenKing of the Swappers will get 1,500 USDT
Second Position: SilverKnight of the Swappers will get 1,000 USDT
Third Position: BronzeSpade of the Swappers will get 600 USDT
From 4th to 10th: 200 USDT
From 11th to 30th: 75 USDT

Not only: we’re going to give an EXTRA Reward of 1k$ to the Best Single Swap of the Competition!

To be elegible and get Rewards, close your Swaps considering Profits and excluding

  • Premiums
  • Penalty fees
  • Liquidity Rewards

NO SWAP LIMIT: you can Open any number of Swaps you wish.
If you want, you can choose to partecipate with another public address, so to be treated as a new player of the Competition.

Update: here a deep dive about Rules & Formulas !

TO THE FIRST THREE WINNERS + BEST SWAP OF THE COMPETITION (the 4 highest Rewards we’ll be distributing):
We’ll send a doc to sign in order to be compliant with Swiss law where the DeFi Foundation resides: the identity of the prize recipient will have to be recognised, to comply with AML.

If the first Swap Competition was a first friendly test of MetalSwap’s Dapp by its first-ever users, it’s now time to turn on the competition!

What a time to be in DeFi!


❗ METALSWAP ‘s admins or moderators will NEVER contact you directly on any social under any kind of circumstances.

❗ Everything concerning $XMT ‘s smart contracts and addresses is shared by our official channels (list below), do not trust any different info from any different source.

To the MetalSwap!

… and beyond!

✎ What is MetalSwap?

MetalSwap is a decentralized platform that allows hedging swaps on financial markets with the aim of providing a coverage to those who work with commodities and an investment opportunity for those who contribute to increase the shared liquidity of the project. Allowing the protection for an increasing number of operators.

With MetalSwap we enable hedge swap transactions through the use of Smart Contracts, AMM style.

Kovan TestNet Phase3 infobox:


USDTTest -> 0x6dC0A769E20b4Ff186003f264C03E10d23d1A2f7

WBTCTest -> 0x4fE0C5E225a3bE22f8736225469dD8D86aDC0881

XMTT3 -> 0x63cFf925F431AdEA8a5cb19559dE4924E737E3fE


OFFICIAL WEBSITE 👉🏻 https://www.metalswap.finance/

YOUTUBE 👉🏻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuFVZOpAOzuzlmJbPA4wdkw

MEDIUM 👉🏻 https://medium.com/metalswap

TWITTER 👉🏻 https://twitter.com/MetalSwapNet

DISCORD 👉🏻 https://discord.com/invite/eYay7NV6vF

TELEGRAM 👉🏻 https://t.me/metalswap

FACEBOOK 👉🏻https://www.facebook.com/MetalSwapOfficial/


🇬🇧 https://t.me/joinchat/YaSNSVggeOFhODQ0

